
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Republic of South Sudan

The Republic of South Sudan came into existence on the 9th of July, 2011. Making it the newest nation in the world. South Sudan consists of the southern territories of Sudan. Populated by sub-Saharan Africans, who follow various Animist and the Christian religions. However, the rest of Sudan is Arab Muslim, with the capital based in Khartoum.

Tensions rose given the Khartoum governments push for Islamic law. This then led to First Sudanese Civil War. Following the ending of the Civil War, the Southern Sudan Autonomous Region was formed in 1972. This lasted until 1983, when it collapsed, and the Second Civil War began. 

This was largely fought between the Sudanese army, and the SPLA (Sudan People's Liberation Army) as well as several smaller groups. However, this ended with a comprehensive agreement in 2005. Part of this agreement was the re-starting of the autonomous region, as well as provisions for a referendum in 2011 on whether the South should continue as part of Sudan, or break free.

Right now, the government is dominated with former SPLA members, and the majority of the South Sudan Army consists of former SPLA members. This dominance continues through into the visible signs of the new South Sudan.

The flag was previously used by the SPLA.

The flag bears a remarkable similarity to the flag of Kenya. It consists of three horizontal stripes of black, red, and green. Each stripe is separated by a thin white band. 

The black represents the people of South Sudan, the red represents the blood spilled in the pursuit of freedom, and the green represents the land. 

What makes the flag different to Kenya's is that it features a blue triangle placed at the hoist. On the triangle is a gold star. The blue represents the Nile, and the star represents the unity of the states that make up the new Republic of south Sudan.

The Coat of Arms of the new Republic where approved in June 2011, and formally adopted on independence. 

It consists of an African Fish Eagle, with a scroll held in its claws bearing the name of the state. The Eagle represents strength, resilience, and vision. Placed over the Eagle is a shield and two crossed spears. This represent the protection of the State.

For the fledgling state, there is still plenty of tension with their neighbour to the north, with border issues still to be resolved. However, given the potential oil wealth in South Sudan, here is hoping that the future is bright!

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