
Saturday, April 10, 2010

British Antarctic Territory

Flag of the British Antarctic Territory

Britain has had a presence in the Antarctic region since 1833, when they re-established control over the Falklands, and then, in 1908, Britain extended its claims unilaterally. Now, Britain claimed all territories from the Falklands, and St Georgia islands, down to the South Pole. Between the 20th and 80th degree lines of longitude. This territory was originally governed from the Falklands.

However, the Antarctic treaty in the 1950's was negotiated to demilitarise the Antarctic, and keep it for research purposes only. However, the treaty does not settle territorial claims, leaving that up to the individual nations involved. At the moment, Britain, Norway, France, Australia, and New Zealand all recognise each others claims, with Chile and Argentina disputing Britain's claims, with both nations claiming territory that overlaps with Britain's claim.

With the signing of the treaty, Britain also hived off its southern territories and formed the British Antarctic Territory. This consists of the Antarctic Peninsula, the South Shetland Islands, South Orkney Islands, the Ronne Ice Shelf, parts of Coats Land, and a triangle of the central Antarctic shelf down to the South Pole. 

The Antarctic Territory has 2 permanent research stations, 2 further stations that are manned during the summer, and the historic base of Port Lockroy which is maintained by the UK Antarctic Heritage Trust, and is visited by about 10,000 people a year who tour the museum, and buy locally issued stamps.

The Territory, as part of its 100 year anniversary, issued its first ever legal tender coin in 2008.

The Territory itself uses the British Ensign as its flag. However, it is unique in using a plain white ensign defaced with the territories coat of arms. The coat of arms themselves consists of a flaming torch on a wavy background representing the sea. The dexter supporter is a lion, representing the United Kingdom, and the sinister supporter is an Emperor penguin, representing the Antarctic territories. The crest is a representation of  RRS Discovery, the ship used by Robert Falcon Scott, and Ernest Shackleton on their first journey to the Antarctic.

The coat of arms where awarded to the territory in 1952, when they where still governed by the Falkland Islands. Also, the coat of arms are two-sided. Whilst the arms themselves "flip" on the reverse of the flag, the arms are modified on the reverse to allow the text to be legible from both sides.

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