
Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Organisation of American States

The Flag of The OAS

The Organisation of American States was formed in 1889, when the First International Conference of American States gathered in Washington, and the 18 nations united to create the International Union of American Republics. And later, in 1910, it became the Pan American Union. 

The Second World War showed to many states that "going it alone" was unlikely to guarantee their defence, so, at the 9th International Conference, The Charter for the Organisation of American States was signed in 1947. This was set up to help with collective defence, and the fighting of Communism in the America's. The Organisation super-ceded the Pan American Union formally in 1951.

Slowly through the 60's, the Organisation expanded as nations gained their independence, and joined the OAS, though Cuba was excluded. One part of the OAS' charter is to combat Communism, and Cuba being Communist was felt to be against the charter, so was booted out. However, in 2009, with an apparent softening of the Cuban regime, the exclusion of Cuba was lifted. However, in order to be re-admitted, it needs to ratify all OAS treaties.

The OAS was set up to help with various issues.

  • To strengthen peace and security on the continent
  • To promote and consolidate the principles of democracy
  • To try to prevent causes of conflict, and to try to bring about resolutions through peaceful means
  • To present a common front should a member suffer from aggression 
  • To seek the solution of any judicial, political, and and economic issues that may arise amongst members
  • To promote economic, social, and cultural development through co-operative action
  • To eliminate poverty
  • To limit conventional weapons
Recently, the OAS has been active in promoting democracy in many states, as well as engaging in land-mine clearance projects, and trying to settle several border disputes, including Belize and Guatemala, as well as between Peru and Ecuador. Most notably, the OAS has been active in trying to solve the crisis in Honduras, due to the ouster of Manuel Zelaya after he indicated an interest in a referendum to remove the 1 term limit on the President. Honduras fell under heavy diplomatic pressure, and was suspended from the OAS.

The flag of the OAS, adopted early on in the organisations birth, is a simple blue field, with a gold-edged white disc in the centre. In the disc are a collection of flags arranged in two hemispheres. These flags are the flags of each member nation. so, as the organisation expanded, the number of flags increased.

Member States

Antigua & Barbuda     Argentina
The Bahamas          Bolivia
Belize                          Brazil
Barbados                    Canada
Chile                           Colombia
Costa Rica                Cuba
Dominica                Dominican Republic
Ecuador                  El Salvador
Grenada                    Guatemala
Guyana                      Haiti
Honduras               Jamaica
Mexico                     Nicaragua
Panama                      Paraguay
Peru                           St Kitts & Nevis
St Lucia                  Suriname
St Vincent & The Grenadines
Trinidad & Tobago    USA
Uruguay                      Venezuela

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