
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The State of Kuwait

The National Flag of Kuwait

Kuwait was part of the Ottoman Empire until the British took control at the end of WWI. Kuwait remained an independent shiekhdom under Britain's protection. It finally gained its independence from Britain in 1962, and its current flag was instituted. However, during Kuwait's time in the Ottoman Empire, it used a plain red flag with Arabic script.

Consisting of the pan-Arab colours, with white standing for the Kuwaiti peoples deeds, the black for the battlefields, green for meadows, and the red stands for the blood of Kuwait's enemies. The flag is arranged into a horizontal tricolour, of green, white, and red, with the black as a trapezoid placed along the hoist of the flag.

The flag has been the flag of Kuwait ever since independence, apart from a short time when Iraq occupied Kuwait in 1991.

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