
Friday, February 26, 2010

The Republic of the Marshall Islands

The National Flag of the Marshall Islands

Little is known of the Marshall Islands, other than they where settled by Micronesians in the 2nd Millenium, BC. People moved between islands by canoe, with the traditional stick chart. It was the Spanish who first found them, but it was not until Captain Marshall of the Royal Navy found them, that they where actually mapped. 

They where administered by the Spanish until 1884, when Germany bought them. The islands fell under Japanese control after WWI, when Japan sided with France and Britain. After the war, all of Germany's Pacific claims north of the equator where awarded to Japan.

During WWII, the US fought to capture the islands from Japan, and the heavy fighting resulted in heavy loss of life. Once the war was finished, the islands entered into Trust status with the UN. The Marshall Islands where merged into the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. This was a UN territory, administered by the US. The Marshall Islands chain was used by the US for nuclear testing.

The Trust Territory used a pale blue flag, taking the same blue as the UN flag. On the flag are 6 white stars. Each star represents each of the territories in this Trust. The Marshall Islands, The Marianas, Yap, Chuuk, Pohnpei, and Palau.This flag was chosen in 1962, and approved in 1965.

In 1979, the government of Marshall Islands was formed, making the territory self-governing, then through the  1986 Compact of Free Association, the Marshall Islands gained their independence. The new flag was created by Emlain Kabua, one of the "First Ladies" of the republic. 

The Marshall Islands flag is dark blue, with a rising orange and white band. The band represents the equator, the orange represents sunrise, and the white represents sunset. They also represent peace and courage. In the upper hoist of the flag is a 24 point star. Each point represents a district in the Marshall Islands. With 4 elongated points representing the 4 cultural centres of the Marshall Islands. 

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