
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Republic of Kiribati

The National Flag of Kiribati

In 1932, Sir Albert Gimble created a new badge for the blue ensign of the Gilbert and Ellis Island. The badge was finally incorporated in 1937.

Upon independence, Kiribati ran a competition for a new flag, and the winning design took the badge, and converted it into a flag. Submitting it to the Royal College of Arms, the RCoA wanted to make a few changes, but the people in Kiribati wanted to keep the flag as is.

So, Kiribati is one of only 3 national flags that are armorial banners, and was formally adopted on independence in 1979.

The Kiribati flag has a red top half, and blue and white along the bottom. The blue and white are waved into 3 bands, representing the 3 groups of islands, as well as the Pacific Ocean. Rising from the sea is a golden sun, with 17 rays. Each ray standing for an island. As well as for Kiribati's place on the equator. Over the sun is a Frigate Bird, representing power and freedom.

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