
Monday, February 22, 2010

The Republic of Honduras

The National Flag of Honduras

Upon independence from Spain in 1821, Honduras, along with another 4 Central American states, decided to join the Mexican Empire. However, their stay was short-lived, as they withdrew in 1823.

The 5 Central American states then formed the Federal Republic of Central America. Honduras proceeded to adopt the Central American horizontal tricolour flag.

However, the Honduran flag was left unadorned, and a darker shade.

The Federal Republic finally dissolved in 1840 after 2 years of strife and civil war. Honduras kept its tricolour, until 1866, when it added 5 stars. Whilst it looks like the 5 stars are in the shape of  a "H," it is supposed to be in the shape of an "X." The 5 stars represents the Honduran hope that El Salvador, Honduras, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Guatemala can again form a Union.

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