
Saturday, February 20, 2010

The Republic of Guinea - Bissau

The National Flag of Guinea - Bissau

Luis Cabral led Guinea Bissau to independence from Portugal in 1973. Following independence, former PAIGC guerrillas went on a rampage and massacred thousands who fought alongside the Portuguese. 

Cape Verde, a archipelago of islands off the coast of Guinea Bissau went on with a campaign to unify with Guinea Bissau, to the point that they adopted a flag similar to Guinea Bissau, with the addition of a wreath round the black star on the hoist. However, due to diplomatic issues, and Guinea-Bissau's internal conficts, the campaign came to nothing.

Guinea Bissau's flag in turn, is based on the flag of the independence group, PAIGC. Using the pan African colours, it is a bicolour flag of yellow and green with a red bar running vertically up the hoist. In the red bar, is a black star. The black star represents African unity, red for blood, yellow for the sun, and green for hope.

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