
Saturday, February 13, 2010

The Republic of Cameroon

The Flag of Cameroon

Cameroon, after the First World War, was divided into 2 parts, with the French administering the larger part, and the smaller, eastern part falling under British control. French Cameroon finally gained independence in 1960, and adopted a tricolour flag. Inspired by the French. However, Cameroon opted to use common pan-African colours. Red standing for unity, green for the forests of the south, and the yellow stands for the northern savannah's and the sun. 

The following year, the British Cameroons voted in a plebiscite as to their destiny. The British Cameroons was divided into 2 territories, and the northern part voted to join with Nigeria as Nigeria gained independence, and the southern part voted to re-join Cameroon.

In honour of this, 2 gold stars where introduced, at the top of the green stripe. 1 star representing the French Cameroon, and the other representing British Cameroon.

On May 2nd, 1975, Cameroon completed the unification process, and became a unitary state. To honour this new form of government, the 2 gold stars where replaced with a single gold star placed in the centre of the middle red stripe. 

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