
Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Republic of Albania

Flamuri i Shqiperise

The Albanian national flag, or, Flamuri i Shqiperise, is the only red flag with black currently representing a sovereign nation.  It is believed that the flag has its origins in the Great Seal of Gjergj Kastriot Skanderbeg, a 15th Century  Albanian who led a revolt against the Ottoman Empire, and secured independence for some parts of Albania from 1448 to 1473.

Ever since, a 2 headed black eagle has prominently featured on the Albanian flag. Some have seen the eagle topped with a crown, and during Albania’s communist government, it was topped with a red star edged in yellow.

The eagle itself has many meanings. It has its wings open on the flag, representing the Albanians desire to never submit to foreign invasion. Also, it is believed that the 2 headed eagle stands for Albanias geographic location as a crossroads between Europe, and Asia. Between Christianity, and Islam. Another idea is that Albania is also named as the “land of the Eagles” given Albanias mountainous terrain.

The 2 headed eagle is also used by Albanian communities in neighbouring nations, such as in Macedonia, and by the Albanian community in Kosovo.

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