
Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Commonwealth of Dominica

The National Flag of the Commonwealth of Dominica

Dominica was made an associated state of the United Kingdom in 1967, where Dominica was given control over its internal affairs. Then, in 1978, the Commonwealth of Dominica was awarded independence.

The first flag consisted of a cross made up of three stripes, with a red disc in the centre. On the dis, was a sisserou parrot, and 10 stars. The cross consisted of yellow, black, and white stripes. The parrot was facing away from the hoist.

In 1981, the stripes on the cross got realigned, and the stars round the disc where given a yellow border. 

In 1988, the flag was left unchanged, but the parrot was reoriented to face towards the flags hoist.

Then, finally, in 100-, the final variant of the flag was created, with the green stars losing their yellow borders.

The flags colours, like many others, have significant meaning. The Sisserou Parrot represents the nation of Dominica, the green field represents the lushness of the land. The 10 stars round the parrot represent the 10 parishes that make up Dominica, and the red disc represents social responsibility. The cross and the 3 stripes represents the nations Christian beliefs, and the Holy Trinity.

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