
Friday, February 12, 2010


The Flag of Belize

Belize finally gained independence from Britain in 1981, after a process that was instituted in the 50's and gained momentum in the 60's. However, due to a long-running dispute with Guatemala, the process did not end until 1981. 

The flag itself is unique in several ways. The flag of Belize features the national crest on a white disc on the centre of the flag, on a blue field. The flag also features 2 red stripes along the top and bottom of the flag.

In 1950, an unofficial flag for British Honduras was instituted. A simple blue flag with a white disc in the centre. Inside the disc it features the national crest. The coat of arms was granted in 1907, and recalls the logging industry which drew Britain in the first instance. The emblem is surrounded by 50 mahogany leaves. Mahogany is one of the biggest exports from Belize, and the 50 leaves harken back to 1950, when Belize began the road to independence. Within the circle, is a mahogany tree. On the shield are the tools of the woodcutter, as well as a ship. The ship represents the shipbuilding industry that grew in Belize on the back of Mahogany which is a great timber for ships. The shield is supported by 2 workers, one holding an axe (woodcutter) and the other holding an oar (shipbuilding).

Upon independence, the unofficial flag was adopted as the new flag for the newly independent nation.However, the red stripes where added. There are 2 main political parties in Belize, the People's United Party, and the United Democratic Party. The People's United Party uses blue and white as its party colours, and the UDP objected to the new flag, for featuring the colours of one of the parties. The 2 red stripes where added as the UDP uses red as its colour.

The Belize flag is unique in the world for 2 things. 1, it is the only national flag that features humans. Montserrat, and the British Virgin Islands also feature humans, but they are dependent territories, not independent nations. Also, at 12, the Belize flag features more colours than any other flag in the world. The nearest flag to Belize features 9.

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