
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua and Barbuda

Antigua & Barbuda adopted its current flag upon the winning of self government from Britain in 1967, and finally achieved independence in 1981. The nation consists of 2 major islands in the Caribbean, Antigua, and Barbuda.

The flag itself was a design created by the nationally acclaimed sculptor and artist, Sir Reginald Samuel. It was selected after a national competition that was entered by about 600 people.

The rising sun represents the dawning of a new era, the black is the nations African heritage, with the blue standing for hope, and the red for the energy of the people. The V shape that makes the shape at the heart of the flag stands for “Victory.”

Also, as a Caribbean nation, the colours also take on an abstract representation of the geographic nature of the nation. The yellow is the sun, the blue is the sea, and the white stands for the sandy beaches!

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