
Wednesday, June 16, 2010

French Polynesia

Flag of French Polynesia

French Polynesia is an Overseas Collectivity of France located in the South Pacific, made up of several groups of Polynesian islands, most famous of which is Tahiti. The islands where visited by ships from many of the European nations, however, it was during the early 1800's that France sent out many mssionaries to try to convert the local populace to Christianity. However, many missionaries where expelled, which led France to protect the missionaries with a gunboat. Finally, in the late 1830's, France formally took over the territories and turned it into a colony. 

Finally, in 1889, the territory of French Polynesia was formed with the further annexation of several islands in the area. 

The islands became famous post 1962 for having to play host for France's nuclear testing which has left several atolls totally uninhabitable.

Each group within French Polynesia plays host to several groups. Each with its own flag. The flag of the Gambier Islands is a simple white/blue/white horizontal tricolore with 5 stars. 1 blue star in each corner, and a white star in the centre.

The Tuamotu Archipelago has a red/white/red horizontal tricolore with a blue vertical bar on the hoist side. 16 blue stars are arranged within the central white bar.

The Marquesas share some similarities with the flag of the Philippines. A horizontal bicolour with a triangle place on the hoist of the flag. However, the top of the bicolour is  yellow and red underneath. In the white triangle is a stylised image of a mask.

The Austral Islands flag features a central white square bordered by 2 thin red vertical bars. In the centre of the white square is a representation of an island hat in blue, surrounded by 5 blue stars.

For the territory of French Polynesia, the coat of arms consists of a disc featuring a stylised sun and sea. Overlaid with an image of a Polynesian outrigger canoe in red. 

The flag itself uses the emblem of the island and places it in the centre of a central white horizontal stripe. The white horizontal stripe is bordered by 2 red stripes. 

French Guiana

The Flag of French Guiana

French Guiana is an overseas department of France, and is territory held on the north east coast of South America. Termed French Guiana a it was bordered by British Guiana, and Dutch Guiana. However, both those territories have since been awarded independence, whilst France has maintained its hold on French Guiana.

The French originally settled in the territory during the 17th century, and during the 18th century saw France send a large number of people to colonise it properly. However, in 1809, a joint British/Portuguese force seized the territory for the Portuguese Empire. However, in 1814, it was returned to France. 

In the late 19th century, a border dispute rose between France and Brazil, and before arbitration settled the dispute, a pro French independent nation was formed in the disputed territory. Officially termed the Republic of Independent Guyana, it was commonly referred to as Counani. Its flag took the French flag and placed it in the upper hoist canton of a green banner.

Arbitration finally settled the dispute, mostly in Brazils favour. 

The 1970's saw the settlement of a large number of Hmong refugees from Laos, and the rise of an independence movement in French Guiana. However, this movement peaked in the 80's, and has since tailed away.

Economically, the territory is reliant on grants from the French mainland, as there is very little manufacturing, and very little by way of agriculture. Though it does produce a lot in terms of sugar cane and bananas. The Guiana Space Centre which is used by ESA for the launching of its Ariane rockets accounts for another 25% of the territories GDP.

Formerly the territory uses the French tricolore as its flag.

However, the territory also flies its own flag. Before 2010 the territory used a white flag with a logo placed in the centre. It featured a yellow 5 point star on a blue field, with a green field underneath featuring a figure in a yellow long boat riding on orange waves.  Above the logo is written "Guyanne" and "La Region" below.

The shield for the territory is divided into three parts. The top third is blue, and features 3 French Fleur-de-lies, and the year 1643, marking the arrival of the first French. The middle third is red, and features a loaded longboat, and the bottom is green, featuring Guianese flora.

However, in early 2010, the territories government adopted a new flag. A similar design to the flag of pro-independence unions, this flag is a bicolour flag divided diagonally featuring green and red. 

The green represents the forests, and the gold represents the potential mineral wealth of Guiana. In the centre is a red star of socialism.

South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands

Flag of South Georgia

The islands of South Georgia and the South Sandwich chain are a collection of remote and deeply inhospitable islands in the south Atlantic.There is no native population of the islands, the only population consists of the British government officer, the postmaster, and members of the British Antarctic Survey.

Britain initially claimed sovereignty over South Georgia in 1775, and also claim the South Sandwich islands in 1908.

The island of South Georgia did host a small but semi-permanent population during the 19th century, when several whaling and seal hunting bases where maintained on the island. The first of which was established by Carl Anton Larsen of Norway. He established the community of Grytviken. However, whaling and seal hunting ended in the 1960's, and the bases where abandoned soon after. The community of Grytviken now lies abandoned, and apart from a few buildings which have been preserved...

...sees many of the buildings and various states of decay.

During the 1920's, Argentina laid claim to the island of South Georgia, and then in the 1930's, to the South Sandwich islands. And during the Falklands war, the islands fell under the control of Argentina when a detachment of Argentinian marines took control of the offices of the British Antarctic Survey team by landing on the island posing as scrap metal merchants. 

The islands themselves are very bleak and during the winter the islands are covered in snow and ice. 

During the summer, the lands are free from snow and ice up to about 300 metres, where the snow line begins. However, the South Sandwich islands lie further south, and feature far more severe weather.

Because there is no settled population, the vast majority of the income is in terms of grants from the British government. Also, the islands make a lot of money from the sale of fishing licences, as well as the sale of stamps.

Before 1985, the islands where governed directly from the Falkland islands, and then in 1985, the territory of South Georgia and the South Sandwich islands was created, and issued with its own coat of arms. 

The shield features a gold rampant lion holding a torch, representative of the UK, and discovery. The lion is placed on a green triangle, and overlaid a sequence of blue and white diamonds. Taken from Captain James Cook's family arms. The supporters are a seal, and penguin. Animals native to the islands. The crest is a Reindeer, from the 2 herds found on the island of South Georgia.

The flag was also issued at the same time. Like all other British overseas territories, a Blue ensign. Initially featuring the coat of arms within a white disc, in 2002, the flag was altered to remove the disc, and enlarge the coat of arms. 

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

The Pitcairn Islands

Flag of the Pitcairn Islands

The Pitcairn Islands group is officially titled the Pitcairn, Henderson, Ducie and Oeno Islands. The 4 volcanic are famous for being the final destination of the mutineers from HMS Bounty. The families that still reside on the islands still carry the names of the mutineers.

The initial inhabitants of the islands where Polynesians, however, when the first Europeans arrived, the islands where uninhabited. It is believed that the Spanish first sighted them in 1606, however, it was the sloop, HMS Swallow that more accurately plotted the islands in 1767. The islands where named for Robert Pitcairn. The midshipman who first sighted the islands. 

After casting Captain Bligh and his supporters adrift in one of the ships boats, the mutineers on board the Bounty sailed off with their Tahitian companions. Some of whom may have been kidnapped. Eventually they settled on the remote and relatively inaccessible island of Pitcairn. After landing, they burnt the ship, which can still be seen underwater in Bounty Bay.

The islanders saw their first ship in 1795, and it was not until 1808 that a ship actually arrived at the island, and landed. A report was forwarded back to the Admiralty in London.

The islands finally became a British colony in 1838, and in 1850, became one of the first places on earth to grant women the right to vote. 

In 1856, the islands population had grown to almost unsupportable levels, and led to the islanders requesting assistance in migrating. The British government ferried nearly 200 to Norfolk Island. Only for about half that group to eventually make its way back to Pitcairn.

The islands themselves are very fertile, but largely incapable of supporting life given how inaccessible they are. The only access available is to the main island of Pitcairn. The island features jagged cliffs and is far too mountainous to allow for the construction of a proper sea port, or air strip. 

The only access is from a small jetty from where the islanders launch long boats. It is also the only way ships can deliver tourists and goods, via this one small jetty.

The largest island, Henderson, has rich natural deposits. But again, with it being a volcanic uprising, it is far too steep, and features jagged cliffs making landing on the island too difficult for anything larger than the islanders longboat!

The Pitcairn islands finally approved its coat of arms in 1969, which features a green triangle set against blue. Representing the islands rising from the sea. Over the shield are representations of the anchor of the Bounty, as well as a copy of the bible. A very important book for the island. Taken from the Bounty, it helped the islanders create a peaceful society. Initially the island was rife with violence and alcoholism, and using the bible helped them turn away. The helmet and crest is made up of a flowering slip of Miro, and a Pitcairn wheelbarrow.

The Islands adopted its flag in 1984. Initially a British ensign with the coat of arms on the fly placed inside a white disc. Later the disc was removed, and the coat of arms enlarged. 

The Pitcairn Islands is listed as one of the smallest democracies in the world!

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The Turks and Caicos Islands

The Flag of the Turks and Caicos Islands

The Turks and Caicos Islands have had a long and exciting history. Initially being discovered by the Spanish in the 1500's, then falling under French control, until they finally where annexed by the British in 1799, and merged with the British colony in the Bahamas.

Given the islands location in the middle of the Caribbean, the islands proved popular with privateers and pirates, as well as legal traders!

In 1848, they where made an independent colony with its own governorship, and this remained the case until 1873, when the Turks and Caicos where placed under the governorship of Jamaica.

In 1917, Canada first became interested in the Turks and Caicos, mooting the idea of transferring control from Britain to Canada. However, the British government rejected this idea, and kept the islands under the governorship of Jamaica. The islands became a separate colony once again in 1959, and became part of the Federation of the West Indies. There they remained until its collapse in 1962.

In 1963, Jamaica gained its independence from Britain, and the Turks and Caicos reverted to direct control from Britain as a Crown colony. In 1965, the islands passed to the Bahamas. When the Bahamas gained their independence in 1973, the Turks and Caicos once again became a separate Crown Colony. 

In 1974, a move was again made in the Canadian parliament to annex the islands to Canada, but given that an annexation would result in major changes to the constitution and plenty of demands from the provinces, the move soon dropped off. 

In 1982, a move in the Turks and Caicos discussed the possibility of independence, however, political differences prevented the idea from moving forwards. The Turks government then approached Canada again to discuss joining Canada. However, Canada was embroiled in a free trade dispute with the US, and had no time to discuss it.

In order to get round the need to rewrite the constitution of Canada based on the Turks and Caicos joining as a new province, Nova Scotia presented an invitation to the islands to merge with the province should the Turks and Caicos decide to do so. This would allow the islands to become part of Canada without the need to rewrite the Canadian constitution.

Whilst the Canadian government has since stopped moving the idea of annexing the Turks and Caicos islands forwards, it does not rule out raising it again in the future. To do so would allow them to build a deep water port in the Caribbean, allowing them the ability to base troops there to engage in anti-drugs and anti-terror operations. As well as giving Canada direct access to Caribbean and Latin American markets.

In recent times, the islands have also seen huge political issues spring up. In 2006, the Premier of the island, PNP leader Michael Misick declared that he saw independence as the ultimate goal for the islands. In 2008, during a systematic review of overseas territories, a committee of British MP's discovered reports of high level corruption. The governor of the island announced a commission of enquiry into the corruption. About the same time, the Premier Michael Misick became the focus of a criminal investigation over allegations of sexual assault. 

Finally, in 2009, the British government suspended the islands government and imposed direct rule. This has proven deeply unpopular with many of the islands ruling elite, with many declaring it to be the British re-colonising the islands. However, the vast majority of the people of the islands support the move since the government had been implicated with high degrees of corruption including the selling of crown land for personal gain.

The British government has stated that new elections would be held during 2011 at the latest to return the islands to self-governance.

The coat of arms for the island where granted once the islands gained their independence from Jamaica in 1965. The central shield feature a conch shell, cactus, and lobster. The supporters are flamingoes, and the crest is a pelican between two sisal plants.

In 1968, the territory took the central shield from the coat of arms, and introduced it as a badge. It was then placed on the flag for the islands.

The flag is a standard British Blue Ensign defaced with the badge from the Turks and Caicos coat of arms. The flag was introduced in 1968.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tristan da Cunha

Flag of Tristan da Cunha

Tristan da Cunha forms part of the federated British Overseas Territory of Saint Helena, Ascension, and Tristan da Cunha. I have dealt with a little of the history on the Saint Helena page, however, the new constitution of 2009 gave the islands of Ascension and Tristan da Cunha equal status within the territory, and allowed the two islands the opportunity to introduce their own flags. At the time of writing, Tristan da Cunha had introduced its own Coat of Arms and flag, and the island of Ascension had begun the process of creating its own symbols.

Tristan da Cunha famously has been called the most remote place on earth to live. 

The islands coat of arms was created in 2002, and finally entered into full use with the new constitution of 2009. It features a blue and white shield emblazoned with 4 Albatrosses. The supporters are Tristan rock lobsters, the islands main export. A naval crown is placed upon the top of the helmet on top, and a Tristan longboat is placed on the crown.

The flag was also introduced in tandem with the coat of arms in 2002, a British blue ensign with the coat of arms emblazoned on the fly.

Saint Helena, Tristan da Cunha, and Ascension

Flag of the territory of Saint Helena.

The three islands that make up a federated British Overseas Territory are grouped off the coast of Africa, in the South Atlantic, with the island of Tristan da Cunha being commonly referred to as the most remote inhabited place on earth.

The island of Saint Helena was initially discovered by the Portuguese in the very early 1500's, and then rediscovered by Sir Francis Drake in 1577. The islands where not formally inhabited until the mid 1600's when Cromwell awarded the East India Company the rights to build settlements there.

The islands slowly grew, initially proving useful for the Royal Navy to base their ships there for raids on the African coast, and then later, the islands proved useful as coaling stations for merchant ships and the Navy. The three islands where initially grouped together as Saint Helena and her dependencies. And this remained with the islands of Tristan da Cunha and Ascension not on an equal level to the island of Saint Helena.

Finally, the relationship was levelled in 2009, with a new constitution for the territory being brought in granting the islands of Tristan da Cunha and Ascension the same status as the island of Saint Helena. This saw 1 overall governor responsible for the governing council. However, each island features its own council with 1 administrator reporting up to the council itself.

Initially the 3 islands all formally used the flag and coat of arms of Saint Helena, however, unofficially, Tristan da Cunha was using a new flag (officially they still had to use the Saint Helena flag). However, with the new constitution, Tristan da Cunha formally introduced its own flag and coat of arms. Ascension uses the Union Jack of Britain, and is working on creating its own coat of arms and flag.

The island of Saint Helena's coat of arms the Saint Helena Plover, and a scene including a ship and the cliffs of the island. The coat of arms where formally granted in 1984.

The flag is a standard British Blue Ensign, with the islands coat of arms on the fly. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Flag of Montserrat

The island of Montserrat was first discovered by Columbus in 1493, and he named it Santa Maria de Montserrate, after the Blessed Virgin of Monastery of Montserrat. In 1632, suffering anti-Catholic protestations, a group of Irish moved from Nevis to Montserrat. This gave the island its nickname of "The Emerald Isle." A nickname derived from its coastal similarity with the island of Ireland, and for these new Irish inhabitants. This arrival allowed England to take control of the island.

In 1798, a failed slavery uprising on the island gave rise to another one of Montserrat's uniqueness. The island is now one of only two countries in the world that celebrates St Patrick's day as a public holiday! The other, of course, being Ireland.

From 1871 to 1958 the island was governed as part of the federal colony of the Leeward Islands, then from 1958 to 1962, it was part of the short-lived and ultimately aborted West Indies Federation.

The island has suffered 2 major disasters in recent years. In 1989, Hurricane Hugo led to massive devastation of the island, then in 1995, the islands Soufriere Hills volcano rumbled into life, and destroyed the islands capital city. The eruption also destroyed the islands airport, and dock facilities, as well as making the southern half of the island uninhabitable.

However, even with that, the island still remains a desirable place to live, as it is still quite lush and green, and since the volcano, new air and sea port facilities have been built, as well as a new capital city being constructed. 

The coat of arms for the island of Montserrat features a lady dressed in green. She is Erin, a human personification of Ireland. She is holding a harp, another symbol of Ireland, as well as a cross, a symbol of the islands major religion, Christianity.

The flag itself is again a British blue ensign featuring the islands shield in the fly. It was awarded to the island very early, back in 1909.


The Flag of Gibraltar

Gibraltar is a peninsula located at the southern end of Spain. The mountain on the peninsula, known as the Rock of Gibraltar was listed as 1 of the 3 pillars of Hercules in Greek mythology.

After the Romans, the Vandals held Gibraltar, only to be replaced by the Hispanic kingdom of the Visigoths. They where thrown out with the arrival of the Moors around 700, who held Gibraltar for 7 centuries. Finally, the Moors where driven out by the Duke of Medina Sidonia in 1462 as part of the Spanish Reconquista.

In 1501, Gibraltar was passed to the Spanish crown, and Isabella I of Castille, in 1503, awarded Gibraltar its coat of arms that it uses today. 

In 1700, Charles II, the last Spanish monarch from the House of Habsburg died without any succession, so he bequeathed his titles and crown to Philip, who was the grandson of Charles II half sister and King Louis XIV of France. Philip then became the King of Spain, and because he was a son of the French Dauphin he was in line to succeed to the French throne. 

This gave rise to the fear that the massively powerful European based French empire would be unified with the hugely powerful and rich multi-continental Spanish empire. Such an empire would dominate the planet. And such where the fears that a coalition rose up to contest such accession in Europe. 

(It is worth noting, that England started the war in 1701, and halfway through passed the Act of Union, and ended the war in 1714 as Great Britain!)  

On one side, France and Spain with their allies the Hungarians and Bavaria, and on the other side, England/Great Britain, The Dutch Republic, the Kingdom of Prussia, the Duchy of Savoy, the Kingdom of Portugal, and the Habsburg Monarchy.

Finally in 1714 the culmination of peace talks resulted in the signing of the Treaty of Utrecht. This stripped France and Spain of many of their geographical holdings, and maintained the balance of power in Europe. One part of the Treaty of Utrecht saw Gibraltar ceded in perpetuity from Spain to Britain.

Spain did try to get Gibraltar back, attacking in 1727, and again in 1779 when they joined the American Revolutionary War on the side of the Americans. 

Given Gibraltar's location at the mouth of the Mediterranean, it became a vital base for the Royal Navy, and played a prominent role in the build up to the Battle of Trafalgar. It's strategic importance grew when trade to Asia ceased going round Africa and began running through the Mediterranean and through the Suez Canal.

During WWII, the civilian population was evacuated, and the Rock strengthened against invasion with a labyrinth of tunnels. Germany's desire to control the Mediterranean by seizing the Rock was frustrated when General Franco of Spain refused to allow the Germans to cross Spanish territory. 

In the 1950's Franco again asserted Spain's demand for the return of Gibraltar, and restricted movements over the border. However, in 1967 the Gibraltarians held a referendum and overwhelmingly rejected reunification with Spain. Franco responded by severing all links with Gibraltar and sealing the border.

In 1982, Spain partially opened the border, and fully opened the border in 1985 when Spain acceded to the European Community.

A second referendum was undertaken in 2002, which resulted in a second resounding rejection of union with Spain, and in 2006 Gibraltar voted on a new constitution which modernised Gibraltar as a British Overseas Territory. Part of which saw the votes in Gibraltar count towards the European elections as part of the south west of England.

The Coat of Arms for Gibraltar was awarded back in 1501 by Queen Isabella of Spain, and remained in use ever since. 

The shield is divided two thirds to one third. The top is two thirds white, and the bottom is one third red. A red castle with 3 towers is emblazoned on the white, with a golden key hanging down from the gates of the castle. 

The castle represents Gibraltar's natural strength as a military town, and the key represents Gibraltar's position as "The key to the Mediterranean."

Like many British Overseas Territories, Gibraltar uses a British ensign. However, different shields are used on the blue and red ensigns. The first coat of arms is emblazoned on the fly of the red ensign.

However, on the blue ensign, is a a plain red shield surrounded with intricate scrolling, and emblazoned on the shield is a gold version of the Gibraltarian 3 towered castle. With a golden key hanging from the gates.

However, the most popular flag in use, commonly seen along side the Union Jack and the European flag is a banner based on the shield. 

The flag is a bicolour banner, the top two thirds is white, and the bottom third is red. Blazoned on the centre is the Gibraltarian red three-towered castle with a golden key hanging from the gate.

This banner is hugely popular, and a symbol of pride along with the Union Jack for the people of Gibraltar.